How we enable collaborative action for equity

Since the beginning of the year, it’s been an incredibly exciting time for us. We’ve been double checking our account slips, refreshing office art, and reminding those who say, “This is Charities Aid Foundation...” that we’re OneStage![…]

A brief visit to a project site in Gurugram

Author: Deepak Gupta

’s rapid march towards becoming a 5 trillion $ economy might soon become a reality. However, Bharat continues to deal with problems related to human development which we must not ignore. During my short visit to village Mehchana in Farrukh Nagar block of Gurugram district of Haryana on 3rd February 2023…

How was OneStage born?

Manvi Bisla, a Grade 10 student of GD Goenka Global School, NOIDA, has successfully raised Rs. 52,000/- to support OneStage’s COVID relief campaign. In an interview with Vani Nigam, Manvi talks about her achievement and vision. 1) How would you describe yourself? What are the kinds of things that interest you? Answer: I believe […]

‘The plight of people moved me, and the heroic efforts of frontline workers inspired me to support COVID Relief work’

The word ‘charity’ to me always had a patronising ring to it. So one might find it odd, when I say that I am the founder trustee of Charities Aid Foundation (OneStage) . This article is about how I was able to change my mind and play a part in the creation of one of […]

7 ways to take care of your Mental Health during the pandemic

Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and its havoc-wreaking implications, we have all been confined to the bounds of our homes. The pandemic has successfully assembled an array of hurdles for humankind to battle, including a massive healthcare crisis and a global economic slowdown among others. Amidst such onerous circumstances, our actions and experiences are getting […]

5 things you must keep in mind before forwarding information on COVID

The current health situation in our country is overwhelming. We all want to be part of the solution or support in whatever way we can. The most common way of helping out is through information dissemination. It could be about availability of COVID facilities, equipment, medicines, or someone’s SOS appeals. However, in our enthusiasm of […]

Is There a Way to end Gender-Based Violence?

In the second part of the series on gender based violence, we take a look at the important measures that need to be taken to create a more equitable and a kinder world for women of all ages The brutal gangrape of a physiotherapy intern in 2012 resulted in a mass public outcry. The victim […]

We are still celebrating Women’s Day in a Man’s World

In the first of a two-part series, we look at how women are still battling gender-based violence in an unequal world Every year, on International Womens Day, we all tend to ponder about womens rights and our progress towards an egalitarian society. ?And every year, we are reminded that women are still living in a […]

How do we measure impact of our projects?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not just a mere obligation that corporations have to put up with. Today, as we are surrounded by a myriad of development issues and increasing income gaps, several businesses have realised the importance of their responsibility towards the society. Therefore, through their CSR programmes, businesses are striving hard to make […]

Let us uphold the spirit of NGO workers, who continue to work in the face of adversity

The lockdown affected the lives of some of the most vulnerable communities across the country, such as migrant labourers, waste pickers, single mothers, artisans and sex workers. It is to cushion the impact of the crisis on these sections, and to ensure their access to essentials, that not-for-profit organizations are sending out appeals for funds. […]

OneStage COVID Response Campaign – We did it, but we have miles to go

As the COVID-19 pandemic tightens its grip around the nation?and case count reaching a new high every?day,?it’s?becoming gradually?arduous?to contain the pandemic. OneStage has been in the forefront to help vulnerable communities ‘Build Back Better’ and bring on board the?organization’s?extensive experience in supporting disaster relief & rehabilitation operations and further linking them to sustainability by […]

The need for humanitarian assistance across the world is growing

World Humanitarian Day (WHD) is observed every year on 19 August to pay tribute to relief workers, who risk their lives working for humanitarian causes, and to rally support for people affected by crises around the world. As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages the world, the work of humanitarian workers has become more relevant than ever. […]

Corporate Social Responsibility: Investing for “Social Good”

The concept of ‘responsible business’ has its roots in ancient history. About 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, King Hammurabi decided to hold builders, innkeepers or farmers responsible if their negligence caused major inconvenience to local citizens. For centuries, many socially conscientious businesses have contributed to social good for philanthropic ventures. The need for businesses to […]

Nurturing the Elderly in the times of COVID

Research organizations, medical professionals, national governments, WHO and other UN bodies, corporations and philanthropic organizations are all still trying to understand the corona virus outbreak, which WHO has called as a global pandemic. However, epidemiologists are certain about one thing – the pandemic has just begun and we all have a long way to go […]

Rural MP and Chhattisgarh learn to combat Covid-19 and lockdown

The country has faced an unprecedented disaster in form of Covid -19 and the subsequent lockdown. As a result of this lockdown, public transport — railways, buses, taxis etc.— have come to a halt. The citizens are expected to come out of their houses only for essential requirements. However, the lockdown has had a ripple effect […]

Corona Warriors Need our Respect and Support

Healthcare workers conduct check ups for migrant workers who returned to their village in Sehore district, Madhya Pradesh India is at a critical stage in its fight against Covid-19. The coronavirus pandemic has claimed thousands of lives, shaken the governments and thrashed markets. It has, however, failed to crush indomitable sprits of the corona warriors – frontline worker’s; doctors, paramedics, nurses, health workers and police personnel. They continue to work […]

Delhi Slum Dwellers See a Ray of Hope Amidst Covid-19 Crisis

India is one of the most densely populated countries of the world. On an average 464 people live in an area of one square kilometer. And the urban slums in India are the most crowded and densely populated areas of the country. Sample this: the population density of Dharavi, Asia’s largest slum is 276,136/ sq km. At a time of a […]

Can the Marginalised Communities Mitigate Covid-19?

As the coronavirus continues to spread and confine people to their homes, many are filling pages with their experiences of living through a pandemic. But how would a person sharing a tiny shanty with 10 people in a slum talk about self-quarantine? How can one explain hand hygiene and social distancing to a manual scavenger? […]

Washing your hands: First line of defense in battling COVID-19

The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and the virus has now spread to many countries and territories. While a lot is still unknown about the virus that causes COVID-19, we do know that it is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an […]


Declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has put India’s health machinery under enormous stress over the past two months. Lakhs of doctors, nurses, hospital staff, officials of Central and State health departments are working tirelessly to respond to the pandemic. At the same time, NGOs are reaching […]

Maharashtra, UP villages take charge to recharge groundwater

A participatory water stewardship approach has ensured sustainable water supply for the villages Groundwater – we take it for granted, use it, abuse it. But little do we realise that the planet is slowly drying up. Increased human activity has resulted in an acute water crisis that is ruthless and unforgiving. Eighty percent of rural […]

Cancer: Why prevention is better than cure

OneStage has supported programmes aimed at cancer screening and awareness generation among the communities to mitigate the deadly disease and reduce the incidence of cancer in India Anish Sengupta write about the various initiatives Cancer is a crippling disease. It can destroy an entire family sending it down a spiral of economic and emotional turmoil. […]

Organic Farming ‘Greens’ the Deserts of Thar

“Living in deserts for centuries, our people know how precious water is. Our ancestors taught us to save every single drop of water. They are more precious than pearls,” Mahavir Singh tells me while pointing to the rainwater harvesting reservoir at the demo farm run by Urmul Health Research and Development Trust at their Bajju […]

Art of endurance: traditional needlework helps women of Thar overcome hardships

The Karni Mata temple in Bikaner is a temple where rats are worshipped and fed. To see a white rat among all the black and grey rats is considered great fortune. I could not spot a white rat during my trip to Bikaner, but I would still call myself fortunate. If not the white rat […]

Here’s how Sikkim is saving its feathered friends

Ever wondered where those sparrows went? The one that rested on your window on a hot, lazy afernoon… and the one that perched on the railing of your balcony every morning and greeted you with its pleasantries? Our winged and feathered friends — sparrows, vultures, Edward’s Pheasants even the finches that inspired Darwin to work […]

NGO Mela Shop4Good, Gives Wings to the Dreams of Many

We all love Melas. Who doesn’t? The shopping stalls, games and a host of other fun activities are a sure shot way to lift your spirits, even as the mercury drops to nearly zero degrees. But the Shop4Good – an NGO Mela organised by CAF India at Palam Triangle, Gurugram was shopping carnival with a […]

Overcoming Disability with Flying Colours

Disability is a matter of perception. Disabled people are not the ones, who are not ‘normal’ as per societal parameters. But real disability is not being able to find joy in life. My entire perception about disability changed since, when I visited a Green Skilling centre at Chetna – a day care centre run by […]

Senior Citizens of Jharkhand Find Hope in their Autumn Years

Magdali Dhan, 68, lives in Bala village of Sunagi Panchayat in Jharkhand. A few years ago, she lost her husband. Childless, Magdali has no one to call her own. Some time ago, she developed problems with her eyesight. Old, poor and alone — Magdhali, did not have the means or the access for medical treatment. […]

Water Crisis in India: From ‘NO WATER’ to ‘KNOW WATER’

On an average, the body of an adult human being is 60 percent water. About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth’s water. Water sustains life. Life will cease to exist if we don’t have water albeit, most of the water on Earth is […]

OneStage Making Disaster Relief, Recovery, and Resilience More Effective and Timely

Over a billion people overcame poverty in the past 15 years, but extreme climate events and natural disasters force millions of people into poverty every year. The planet is in a volatile state. Extreme weather events due to climate change, natural calamities, and civil unrest, puts our fragile planet at risk. And India, an agrarian […]

How the Children from Korku tribe rediscovered the joy of learning

Not much has been written or documented about the Korkus. Snuggling comfortably in the lap of nature, the Korkus are one of the lesser known tribes in India. I got a chance to know them closely during a visit to Khalwa block of Khandwa district, Madhya Pradesh. Set within the breath-taking landscape of Kalibhit forests […]

Koraput — a land of paradoxes and aspirations

Beautiful, yet underdeveloped — that’s the story of Koraput district in Odisha. NITI Aayog listed it as an aspirational district in 2018, but even before this intervention, Pragati – an NGO had been working in the district empowering the small farmers, writes Shivani Singh. Any travel opportunity that takes you away from the hustle and […]

OneStage Catalysing Education in Aspirational Districts

OneStage programme in Khandwa district has brought several children back to school. Over the past two decades, education in India has evolved into a basic human right. Education has become a focal point for furthering the agenda of development in the country. Schemes such as, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Saakshar Bharat Mission, Midday Meal etc. are […]

Disasters disproportionately affect women and girls! Unpacking gendered nature of Disasters

In the last 17 years, India has faced more than 300 natural disasters which include droughts, earthquakes, epidemics, cyclones, floods and landslides. Cumulatively, more than 1 billion people have suffered owing to natural disasters. The estimated social and economic damages sustained by India in the last 17 years due to these disasters amounts to USD […]

When Seven Passionate Students Stood up for a Cause

They went out of their comfort zones, worked for seven days, they faced rejections and were turned away many times, but their passion ceased to diminish. This is the story of seven spirited Class XI students of Shri Ram School, who volunteered with CAF India to raise funds for the victims of Cyclone Fani. Their […]

Bhubaneswar’s tryst with Cyclone “Fani – You Have to See It to Believe It

When I reached Bhubaneshwar on 8th May in the wee hours of a new day, a feeling of loss and desperation engulfed me. I thought I was prepared mentally; As part of CAF India team I had been getting real-time updates on the ground realities and it made me think that I had clear […]

Growing the Culture of Giving in India

India Giving Report 2019 Growing the Culture of Giving in India In a world increasingly propelled by technology and data, philanthropy too is rapidly evolving. Bolstered by the changing behaviour of giving; assuredly, the nature of philanthropy will change drastically in the near future. Simone De Beauvoir wrote, “The present is not a potential past; […]

Kerala Floods-Story of resilience & survival that inspires OneStage & its partners to do more

It’s a truth universally known that Kerala faced the worst ravages in August this year. Unprecedented and heavy rainfall lead to 14 key districts submerged. What this meant however was loss of life, resources and infrastructure that takes toil to be built from ground up. According to the Joint Detailed Need Assessment Report by Sphere […]

Chendamanagalam – The warp and weft of tragedy and resilience!

The quaint little town of Chendamanagalam in Paravur Taluk, Ernakulam district is home to one of three oldest handloom centres in Kerala. Its uniqueness lies in the excellent quality of textiles, each product that is woven is a proof of the exceptional craftsmanship and deftness of Chendamangalam weavers. In early August 2018, heavy rains lashed […]

India’s Voice on SDGs : From Impactful to Meaningful Philanthropy

In the weekly edition of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN) Members Interview Series, Radhika Ralhan fromCharities Aid Foundation (CAF) Indiagives UN SDSN some insights on her work and advancing the engagement of national stakeholders on the SDGs. Radhika is an Advisor to OneStage, and heads the unit titled Innovations for Exponential Impact. You can find the interview […]

‘Small is Big: SMEs as drivers of Inclusive and Sustainable Growth’

Small and Medium-scale enterprise (SMEs) occupy an important and strategic place in economic growth and equitable development in all countries, constituting as high as 90% of enterprises in most countries worldwide. Based on statistics published by International Monitoring Fund (IMF) and World Bank, SMEs are now acting as key driving force behind a large number […]

Dandi March Towards Open Defecation Free Status

Approaching final years of making India-Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2nd October 2019 marking 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, there is a good reason to be sceptical about the efficacy of the implementation Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA). Three years now from the same day as it was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, […]

Employee Payroll Giving: Spreading Joy With Festive Cheer

Hashtags, as much are a medium of awareness, conduct a numerical function of indicating the gravity of a cause – in this case, giving. Contrary to expectations, the development sector still needs more informed givers rather than hurried individual attempts to save tax. KHUSHII’s tagline reads “Spend a while, spread a smile” and although we […]

Empowering children and communities for sustainable change through GAYE Payroll Giving

CRY – Child Rights and You was born out of the belief that every individual can be the catalyst for social change. It is the power of “YOU” that drives us to do what we do for India’s children. The Give As You Earn (GAYE) program of OneStage is a testament to this belief. […]

Philosophy of ‘Giving-Dāna’ in India

“Although the pursuit of distributive justice is often thought to require a political or collective response, we should not allow this to let us off the hook when it comes to personal morality. Each of us could probably afford to give much more too private, charitable efforts to alleviate poverty and suffering. Indeed, given the […]

Empowering youth through skill development

OneStage has been supporting ETASHA since 2009. Through the ‘Give As You Earn’ programme, CAF has linked ETASHA to a growing support base of individuals who share our vision for every young Indian to be employable, have self-worth and lead a dignified and productive life. Over the years we have received […]

Corporate Social Responsibility and Children’s Rights

Corporate Social Responsibility and Children’s Rights “The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children” … (Dietrich Bonhoeffer (c.1940)) The Concept of Social Responsibility of business is not a new phenomenon. It has been there since ancient times, right from Kautilya to the Gandhian notion of Trusteeship. CSR involves […]


By Saibaba, Sports Coaching Foundation (SCF) Involvement in sports is the cheapest medicine for good health. Given this backdrop it is disheartening to know that India is known as the DIABETIC CAPITAL of the world. ‘Education without involvement in sports is incomplete’. Yet, an extremely high percentage of school children (especially underprivileged) in India never […]

Technology and its role in Not-For-Profits – Part 1

As an introduction to the first in a series of blog posts on “Technology and its role in Not-for-Profits”, I am going to stress on the basics of digital technology and benefits associated with it, especially with respect to its utility in the development sector. Technology is scaling new heights every passing day and it […]

Transcending towards Systems of Giving: Reflecting on our Roots

Einstein once said “if you can’t explain it simply, that means you don’t understand it well enough.” I realised to follow the same principle while writing this piece. I am amidst the noise of heavy taxonomies of the modern world – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), charity, volunteering and our very favourite […]

Transforming lives through employee giving

Charitable Giving at individual level in India has always been the backbone of Indian culture from times unknown. Earliest known mention of charity as a virtuous practice is in the Rigveda. Since the Vedic period until recently, charitable giving barring religious donations in India has come a long way and has transformed into an act […]

Cascading into Oblivion: Tribals of India

Following the coverage in national and vernacular media about the death of 17 children of Juanga tribe in Jajpur district of Odisha in the last six months has compelled the Odisha state government to initiate an emergency “feeding programme”. Though quick action of the state government deserves special mention, but the ground situation raises several […]

The ‘cause’ behind the award-winning campaign!

Marketing and communicating a social initiative effectively for the greater good of benefitting the society means so much more. It gets better when you stand out in the crowd for doing good. The latest recognition to come OneStage way is the ‘The Best Cause Marketing Campaign of the Year in NGO Sector’ for the […]

CSR: The wind beneath our wings

The year 2015-16 has been a milestone year in the arena of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -supported development interventions. The CSR focus has now become more strategic, with corporates committing to long term, multi-year engagements and emphasising on sustainable impact with the participation of key stakeholders. Synergies with existing government initiatives, multi-corporate engagements and focus […]

The double benefits of giving

A common trend is observed in the country during the last quarter of every financial year – the salaried class, upper middle class and elite class rushing to ‘invest’ in charitable causes in order to save tax. While these people stand to benefit from minimising tax deductions, it throws up a philanthropic question – is […]

Online Giving Landscape In India: Towards a Paradigm Shift

Over the recent decades, the giving landscape has undergone great change. Online donations have gradually paved their way into the giving scenario and have become an intrinsic part of the life-changing work done by NGOs. The digital sphere now offers an additional platform to the NGO sector for not only increasing engagement with potential donors […]

An inclusive city begins with not just toilets, but good toilets!

“An inclusive city is one that values all people and their needs equally.”* For any city to be inclusive, there needs to be ‘urine/potty parity’, that is, a sufficient number of toilets for all, including women and disabled citizens. The government, local bodies and agencies responsible for building a city’s infrastructure should consider this very […]

The Curse of Child Labour

Children are the greatest gift to humanity and hold the future of our country in their little hands. It’s horrifying that one out of every seven children around the world today is a child labourer. In India, child labour and slavery are still pernicious problems to reckon with. A considerable number of children work in […]

Menstruation Counts

During my days in school, I had a huge affinity for science, especially biology but could not completely comprehend the concept of the ‘menstrual cycle’. I grew up in a conservative society where ‘menstruation’ and ‘sanitary pads’ have never resonated outside the four walls. Although times have changed now and some of us like to […]

Road to redemption – Help Nepal rise again

It takes just a few minutes, sometimes seconds, to lose everything in your life – family, friends, property hard-earned investments and sometimes, life itself. More than 7,500 people died in the earthquake in Nepal. To think that the final figure may cross 10,000 shows us how we are all on shaky ground. The impact is […]

Thrilled to announce launch of new website

Before I talk further about our redesigned website. I would like to thank our partners Amazon India, Coca Cola, HCCBPL, Aircel, Walmart and esteemed board members for coming together to celebrate the launch of our much anticipated redesigned website. Welcome to our redesigned site !! After serving more than 17 years in the non-profit […]

Yes we can!

India loses lakhs of children to diarrhea, abortion, miscarriages and other diseases. Sanitation facilities or the lack of it, account for the maximum number of deaths in our country. With our Prime Minister announcing a ‘cleanliness Drive’ through “Swacch Bharat Abhiyan”, the focus has shifted to ‘cleanliness’ in a big way for the first time. […]

Asma – Tailoring Her Future

Inspiring case stories are always looked upon with proud and satisfaction and something I always cherish to share. I would like to share one such heart touching story of Asma, a woman who conquered over personal battles and turned around her life with determination. Marriage is the journey of togetherness, but for Asma, it brought […]

OneStage celebrates improved Indian generosity

World Giving Index Report launched by OneStage Alliance holds good news for all of our NGO partners and corporate donors. India is growing, not only as an economy but as a generous nation too. Indians over the past year, donated more, volunteered more and bestowed random acts of kindness by helping strangers more too. All […]

Conversation – New Blogging Platform from OneStage

OneStage is delighted to launch Conversation, the online blogging platform to engage with the digital community more effectively. For long, we have felt the need for an online space that people find stimulating and reciprocating to carry on the dialogue around various initiatives and programs, adopted by Onestage. Conversation is the voice of […]

Addressing Nutrition One Step at a Time

My work takes me to connect the corporate world with several social developmental causes concerning India today. Rampant malnutrition among Indian children is one of them. Although it kinds of seem unfair to favor one cause over another because every cause has something to do with comprehensive development of our nation on economic, social and […]

OneStage Partners Celebrate Children’s Day

Childhood is the most fearless, creative and curious of all ages and thus works as the foundation in our lives. It is thus imperative that it is prospered through genuine efforts with right guidance, resources and direction. Children’s Day is a festive reminder for everyone to recognize the delicate yet reasonable sentiments of children and […]

OneStage strengthens its CSR support

OneStage has always proactively supported its corporate partners by facilitating CSR initiatives and philanthropy. We have effectively managed several CSR initiatives over the last 15 years. The Companies Act 2013 has changed the CSR scenario in India. To meet the requirements emerging out of this new law, OneStage has strengthened the scope of […]

OneStage Enters Coca Cola – NDTV ‘Support My School’ Season 3

Taking forward our mandate to mobilize resources for community development and engage meaningful dialogue over social issues, CAF India has partnered with Coca Cola – NDTV initiated ‘Support My School Campaign’ from 2010 to 2014. The campaign is designed to intervene on the poor conditions of schools in India, including lack of water, poor sanitation […]

Flood Ravaged Jammu & Kashmir Needs Your Support

A devastating flood that hit Jammu & Kashmir on September 4, has affected more than 5 lakh people. This is the worst flood situation the valley has seen in last 60 years. Roads, homes, hospitals, shops, religious and educational institutions have been submerged in flood waters. More than 150 people have lost their lives so […]

Read our new newsletter service

It has been a very busy time for CAF India. Since the beginning of 2014, our team has been working very hard towards creating an effective philanthropic environment for donors and partners. Going forward, you will receive an official newsletter every quarter to keep you informed of our new initiatives, on-going campaigns, upcoming events and […]

Yes we can!

India loses lakhs of children to diarrhea, abortion, miscarriages and other diseases. Sanitation facilities or the lack of it, account for the maximum number of deaths in our country. With our Prime Minister announcing a ‘cleanliness Drive’ through “Swacch Bharat Abhiyan”, the focus has shifted to ‘cleanliness’ in a big way for the first time. […]

OneStage NGO Validation & Due Diligence support

Recent trends and developments at the international and national level have opened up a plethora of challenges as well as opportunities for new collaborations and strategic choices for civil society actors in India. Within this context CAF India‘s strategic and management support to corporates and individuals to ensure greater impact of philanthropic and CSR investments becomes […]


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