Our livelihoods portfolio has three components: skilling and placement/self-employment; linking workers with government schemes; and strengthening government programmes. The skills portfolio is primarily job or self-employment oriented. During the current year, we collaborated with 13 NGOs and trained 731 candidates during this period.

We intend to develop as an aggregator of aggregators by creating a platform which brings together all relevant stakeholders and links them with each other, depending on specific requirements.


In collaboration with Department of Employment & Training, Government of Jharkhand, OneStage is developing a platform for career opportunities. This platform or the Job & Skill alliance will create an ecosystem for jobs and ensure job stickiness through skill building and linking the needs of employees and employers. Overall, the vision of OneStage is to become an Aggregator of Aggregators through this alliance which will have participation of recruitment firms, NGOs, employers and employees. The alliance will also ensure economic participation of women by providing job opportunities suitable to their skills and requirements.


Livelihood support for women shoe-making community

This project focusses on skill building and developing market linkages for the marginalized women shoe-making community of Agra in Uttar Pradesh. The project will train these women, provide them with the required infrastructural and resource support in the form of machines, raw materials and at the same also, facilitate the women for developing market linkages to establish themselves as entrepreneurs.

  • Geographical Coverage

    Agra, Uttar Pradesh

  • Target population

    Women shoe-makers

  • Tenure

    2023 – 2024

  • Supported by


Skill Development support for women

This project capacitates women with tailoring skills, provides them resources for setting up small business with raw materials and machinery support.

  • Geographical Coverage

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Target population


  • Supported by

    SPX Flow


Supporting All India Confederation of Blind (AICB)

This project supports AICB which runs a residential school and technical education institute for blind people. The project helps in students getting trained in advanced level information technology courses and advanced level braille courses which improves their chances of getting employed. The project also seen quite a number of job placements of these students after completion of their technical education and courses.

  • Geographical Coverage

    AICB School in Delhi

  • Target population

    Blind students of AICB eligible for advanced IT and advanced braille courses

  • Supported by

    Wipro HR

Sustainable Employability for Young Adults Affected by Leprosy

This project supports skill building by providing technical education and offering livelihood opportunities in the form of job placements to young adults from leprosy affected families. This will ensure mainstreaming of them with the society.

  • Geographical Coverage

    19 leprosy colonies from West Bengal and Jharkhand

  • Target population

    Young adults from leprosy affected families

  • Supported by

    Steve Waugh Foundation


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