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Turning disability into ability: The story of Vansh

Disability in any form makes life a challenge to live. Five-year-old Vansh is suffering from multiple disabilities. As an infant Vansh experienced stiffness in his body and it hindered his physical development. His biggest support system was his mother who accompanied him everywhere. His interaction was limited to her and gradually he became overly dependent on her.

Before enrolling himself with Astha, a OneStage validated NGO Vansh was unable to even stand by himself. He was introduced to the Child Rights Centre where he met other children and was kept under observation for an analysis of his abilities. His mother was also introduced to the community meetings to raise her awareness about disability. As per his age, he was introduced to the Resource Centre programme with the objective of preparing him for school admissions.

Vansh has been regularly coming to the resource centre for one and a half years now. Initially he used to come with his mother and would only sit with her, not participating in any activities with other children. He could scribble, paint and do other handwork only when his mother held his hand. Even the food served at the centre was spoon fed to him.
After being used to interacting only with his mother, Vansh was constantly encouraged to speak to others. As a result, he started responding gradually by uttering a word or two which helped him gain more confidence. Now he has started conversing more freely with other people and has become more vocal about his needs.

Activities were planned aimed at motivating him to interact with the other children, which helped develop his ability to trust. To enhance his understanding, Vansh was taught how to identify and name basic items, fruits, vegetables and concepts through visual cue cards. To treat his vision impairment, he was taken to an eye hospital where he was provided guidance on eye exercises.

Vansh now comes to the resource centre on his own and freely interacts with other children.

*Astha is a OneStage validated and supported NGO, aided by our corporate partner, The Shri Ram School under our Give As You Earn programme.


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