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Skill building is transforming 19-year-old Neeta’s life


The informal sector is considered as the grey area when it comes to labour. The sector offers low remuneration, has no job security and long working hours. One of the victims of this sector is 19-year-old Neeta who has been earning her living by cutting threads from denim jeans, one of the lowest paying work in the long supply chain of readymade garment manufacturing industry.

Neeta resides in the slums of Kailash Nagar, close to the inter-state railway tracks. She lost her parents a few years ago, and was left with her older siblings, two brothers and a sister. However, her oldest brother and sister (both married and living in the same slum) did not support Neeta and her brother. Neeta’s brother who lived with her was addicted to drugs and even physically abused her. Neeta could only study till class 10, after which she was forced to discontinue her education and has been financially supporting the domestic needs of her family by doing low skilled jobs like cutting threads from readymade garments. With no hope for a better future and limited earnings, life for Neeta was an everyday battle. It was at this juncture when OneStage validated and supported NGO, Save the Children, aided by our corporate partner Microsoft under our Give As You Earn initiative came to her support. With the goal to support young women working in the informal sector of garment manufacturing by imparting enhanced skills for a brighter future. Neeta attended a training course on cosmetics and make up and was imparted specialized skills of a beautician, including threading, waxing, coloring, cutting etc.

During the programme intervention, the field team faced a lot of challenges in getting Neeta to the learning center. Persistent efforts along with Neeta’s will to succeed in life eventually paid off. She was 17 when the field team identified her as a beneficiary. She was offered a job on completion of her training and once she turned 18 years old. Her new found skill set has transformed her perspective towards life, she is confident of her future and is ready to take on challenges of life with courage.

Presently, Neeta earns INR 10,000 per month by working in a beauty parlour and is studying in class 12th through open school education. She now aspires to continue her education and use her vocational skills to realise her dreams and also support her brother.

*Save the Children is a OneStage validated and supported NGO and is aided by our corporate partner Microsoft under our Give As You Earn initiative.


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