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Shivangi – The girl who learnt to be a child again

Scared, timid and eternally silent, four year old Shivangi had spent her entire short life living in a tiny dilapidated road side shelter surrounded by loud traffic, pollution and dirt. Her father, a daily wage worker, always had a tough time providing for her and their family. Her life took a very sudden and drastic turn though, when she was enrolled in the DOOR STEP SCHOOL.During the initial 5 months at Door Step School,   Shivangi’s teachers found her to be scared and reclusive. Shivangi was always quiet and seldom participated in classroom activities nor interacted with the other children.

Concerned by her behaviour the teachers decided to pay a visit to Shivangi’s house and speak with her parents. They found out that she was not always like this. Shivangi used to be cheerful, active and talkative but had over the last couple of years become shy and timid. The teachers found that the heavy traffic, congestion and activities next to her tiny house had critically affected her emotional and mental development.

A teacher of DOOR STEP SCHOOL was determined to change Shivangi’s situation. After numerous visits to her hut and constantly persuading Shivangi’s parents, the teacher finally managed to convince them that the classroom with other students is where she belonged. Initially, Shivangi was not interacting much in the class. Special programmes and activities were designed which helped her come out of her shell- which included storytelling and picture reading. After four months of constant focus, Shivangi’s behaviour changed and she started mingling well with her classmates. She also started getting involved in all the class activities. Shivangi’s mother is extremely happy with how she has changed. “This is a good change in her life. She is not scared anymore and shares her experience and activities in class. She also shares her lesson with her younger siblings.” she exclaims.

Door Step School provides education and support to the often-forgotten children of pavement dwellers, slum dwellers, construction site families and many other underprivileged families.

Door Step School is supported in its efforts by the GAYE program at OneStage. It is because of the generous support of individuals across India who share a part of what they earn with the less fortunate that Door Step was able to make such an impact in Shivangi’s life.

To find out more about the NGO, visit: www.doorstepschool.org


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