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Shabana’s triumphant efforts

Shabana Begum says the Mahita Computer Training supported by Accenture has not only changed her life, but also given her a new direction.

Shabana, who is 25 years old, joined a computer training course at Mahita center in July 2014. A mother of three children (two daughters and one son), Shabana is married to a carpenter who supports the family with the little that he earns. To improve her family’s financial condition, Shabana managed to obtain clothes from export house to repair and sell, through which she earned 1500 rupees per month. She was married at the tender age of 15, when she had just finished high school. As a result of her early marriage, Shabana has become the mother of three children in the last ten years.

Today, Shabana earns 3000-4000 rupees by working from home. She has become a confident individual, is now planning to pursue higher education and is heading towards a promising and secure future.

She was counseled and encouraged to take admission and attend a six month computer course. Shabana never looked back and completed the course. Today, Shabana earns 3000-4000 rupees by working from home. She has become a confident individual and is now planning to pursue higher education and heading towards a promising and secure future.

A photo taken during a visit to Shabana’s house

*This project is supported by our corporate partner Accenture


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