The India Giving report is the second edition of the unique collection of country reports produced across the CAF Global Alliance, a world-leading network of organisations working at the forefront of philanthropy and civil society.

The report is based on data collection by youGov between 2and 31 August 2018.

The India Giving report examines giving trends in India: why and how people of different ages and social groups give in India; the way they give and who they give to, and help us gain a better understanding of people’s participation in social and civic activities beyond financial donations and volunteering.

Key findings:

Nearly three quarters (72%) of those surveyed donated money in the past 12 months, either by donating to a charity, by giving to a church/religious organisation, or by sponsoring someone.

The three most popular cause to donate in India are: helping the poor; support a religious organisation and support children including orphans, seriously ill children and children with disabilities.

The median amount donated or sponsored in the last year was INR 5000

More than half of Indian have volunteered in the last year, supporting causes related to children being the most favourite.

Eight in ten (81%) believe that charities have had a positive impact on their local communities, three quarters (76%) say charities have had a positive impact on India as a whole and 71% say they have had a positive impact intentionally.

You can read the entire report here.

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