As the World Giving Index 2016 releases, we are happy to announce that India has climbed up the global Index from 106th to 91st position this year. The World Giving Index is a comparative study which evaluates countries in terms of global generosity. The basis of the analysis is on the number of people who helped a stranger, volunteered their time or contributed money to a good cause.

At the release of the World Giving Index report we are pleased to share the findings of the account. Some interesting insights that the CAF WGI 2016 report has revealed on India’s giving pattern are as follows:-

The study reveals that Myanmar has interestingly managed to keep its position consistent at the first position as the most generous country for three years running. The United States is positioned as second followed by Australia.

The report is based on more than a million interviews conducted by Gallup since 2005/06, as part of their World Poll survey. This is an ongoing research project carried out in more than 140 countries in 2015 which together represents around 96% of the world’s population. This year 148,000 people were surveyed as part of the poll.

You can read the entire report here.

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