The World Giving Index (WGI) is an annual report published by the Charities Aid Foundation, using data gathered by Gallup and ranks countries in the world according to how charitable they are. Currently in its eighth year, this year’s research has surveyed more than 146,000 people across 139 countries regarding the scope and nature of giving around the world.

The eighth edition of the OneStage World Giving Index 2017 indicates that global giving has declined across continents. The report bases its findings on three parameters: number of people donating money, volunteering time and helping a stranger. Asia has seen a decline in all three giving behaviours. Meanwhile, India’s ranking has improved to 81 from 91.

Key findings:

The OneStage World Giving Index shows that there has been a global decrease in giving in 2017, in particular for helping a stranger.

Most of the top 20 countries by five-year score featured in the same list last year, and many appear in the top 20 overall in this year’s Index. This suggests that, for many of these countries, giving behaviours are entrenched and relatively stable.

Africa has, this year, gone against the global downward trend and is the only continent to see an increase in all three giving behaviours when compared to its five-year average score.

You can read the entire report here.

Read the full World Giving Index 2017 report

View the World Giving Index 2017 infographic

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