
Today many communication professionals play a vital role in managing CSR and engaging consumers through disclosure of responsible and sustainable business practices. With this new dimension added, communicators are challenged with adapting complexities of CSR in a holistic manner. Program ideation, execution and reporting for CSR are assuming greater significance in this constantly evolving landscape.

Once considered marginal to companies’ main businesses, CSR has become the new mantra of the corporate world. It is now being strategically integrated in business models to achieve social development agenda along with enhancing equity for brands. The Global CSR Report 2015 captured that ‘nine-in-10 consumers expect companies to do more than make a profit and operate responsibly to address social and environmental issues. 84 per cent of consumers look for responsible products whenever possible.’ With this increasing CSR need and consumer demand, communication domain has also undergone an elusive expansion.

To address the intricacies and challenges of this integrated sphere, CAF India has curated CCIC – a unique CSR Colloquium for Indian Communicators. The colloquium is:

The colloquium aims at establishing a network of specialists to address challenges inherent in CSR through stakeholder dialogue and building a discourse on what more can be done to simplify understanding of the field. The platform would allow corporate communication professionals to strategize a comprehensive framework to manage CSR. In a nutshell, CCIC envisions:


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