Mobile health vans
This project intends bringing primary level health care services to the doorsteps of the community through mobile health vans capacitated with all kinds of facilities and human resources including doctors and pharmacists. Primary health care is provided from the vans which includes basic treatment, first-aid care, awareness about health and hygiene maintenance and referral for further medical treatment.
Number of Mobile Vans
Geographical Coverage
Pan India
Target population
All community
People Coverage
Any community member in need of primary healthcare.
Supported by
Huawei Telecom India Pvt. Ltd.
Sustainable Employability for Young Adults Affected by Leprosy
This project supports skill building by providing technical education and offering livelihood opportunities in the form of job placements to young adults from leprosy affected families. This will ensure mainstreaming of them with the society.
Geographical Coverage
Pune, Maharashtra
Target population
Girl students
People Coverage
All girl students of 1 school
Supported by
SPX Flow