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Don’t turn a ‘Deaf’ ear to Munesh’s story

Munesh is from Bullandshahar. Everyone in his family, including his parents, brothers and sisters, are deaf. He is married and has two children. Munesh’s life has been quite a struggle. His family had a small shop and Munesh had to support them by working at the shop and was responsible for the whole family. Unfortunately after facing a lot of hardships, his business also did not flourish. There wasn’t enough money and there were too many family members to support due to which there was no savings.


Munesh was worried about the future but he did not give up. He visited Noida Deaf Society (NDS) and requested them to help with a job. NDS started training him and taught him basic communication skills. Agro Tech Foods Ltd offered to employ some deaf boys at their stores. Munesh was given special training at Agro Tech Foods. He was then interviewed and selected for the job.

Munesh is in a much better state of mind now. He earns enough to support his family. He works hard to keep Agro products such as oil, popcorn and butter on the shelves, properly. He has been an asset to his organisation, guiding customers to buy Agro products. He respects his team, is disciplined and his friendly approach has earned him a lot of admiration from his team members. He wants to keep learning from his seniors. His hard work and commitment made him win the “Best Brand Promoter” award for the month of July’ 11. Even though he is deaf, he is not scared of communicating with customers who can hear. No wonder, he is now a role model for many deaf employees.

*Noida Deaf Society is a validated NGO partner of OneStage


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