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How compassion and a little help from us saved Brownie’s life


All beings have an equal right to exist and live in this world, even animals. However, the real picture of how street animals are treated and neglected is grim. Even in cases where they don’t provoke humans, most of the times these animals are either shooed away or pelted with stones and beaten, often resulting in deep wounds, broken bones and even death.

Compassion for Community Animals (CUPA) is a OneStage validated and supported NGO which works on animal rescue and welfare. CUPA is aided by our corporate partner, Arcesium India Private Limited under our Give As You Earn initiative.

It was like any other day at their rescue centre when they received a distress call reporting an injured stray tabby cat that had been run over by a speeding vehicle. Unable to move and in great pain, a kind person rushed the cat to the CUPA rescue centre where veterinarians operated on her to save her hind legs which were badly crushed. During the surgery, the vets discovered that she had been heavily pregnant, which was the reason why she couldn’t escape the vehicle in time. Unfortunately, it was too late to save her kittens.

Months of rest and care followed for Brownie as the doctors and staff christened her. One day, quite unexpectedly, Brownie stood up and took a few cautious steps. This was a sign of marked improvement in her condition. In a couple of weeks, she regained her vigour and agility and started running around, though she still cannot jump too high.

Brownie is now a permanent member of the CUPA family and can be seen lazing around the premises of her new home. While cats are independent by nature, they need care and food to survive. Through regular flow of funds under Give As You Earn, CUPA treats injured stray animals at zero cost and attends to over 60 animals at any point in time. Pets are highly therapeutic and Brownie has turned out to be the perfect stress buster for the team at CUPA.

*CUPA is a CAF validated and supported NGO and is aided by our corporate partner Arcesium India Pvt. Ltd. Under our Give As You Earn initiative.


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